What makes Vivid unique?

Our specialty:

At Vivid Women's Health, we solely focus on women's health physical therapy services. Our therapists have each taken a minimum of close to a dozen pelvic health courses and trainings.

Many other local pelvic health therapists have just taken one or two pelvic health courses.

Dr. Jenn Perna, a pelvic floor physical therapist showing a patient the pelvic floor and describing what it does.
Everything was AWESOME! The owner, is incredibly sweet, attentive and passionate about her work with women. You feel how much she cares about Vivid and the work they do there. The office is gorgeous, clean, spacious and welcoming. The staff (Tiffany) was very welcoming and friendly. My appointment was with Dr Erin. She was EXTREMELY thorough with me. I thought I was coming in for a simply evaluation and assessment. However, I left with a clear understanding of how my pelvic floor is functioning.
— A patient

Our treatment approach:

We believe in finding out why your symptoms are occurring in the first place.

Physical therapy shouldn’t comprise of meaningless exercises. Every treatment plan is customized to fit within your life in order to achieve your goals.

Our sessions:

You will see a Doctor of Physical Therapy, one-on-one for the entire hour-long treatment session.

We don't use aides or techs, nor do we connect you to machines and leave you unattended. Initially, sessions are typically booked weekly.

Our environment is devoted solely to pelvic floor physical therapy. All of our treatments take place in a private treatment room (not the back room of a busy PT gym).

  • We have equipment that no other pelvic floor physical therapy practices in the area have including real-time ultrasound, heated tables and digital movement analysis.

Our environment:

What does insurance coverage look like at Vivid?

In order to control the quality of our care, we are out of network with all insurances. We do accept health savings accounts, flex savings accounts, and all major credit cards.

Our services are covered under out of network physical therapy benefits. Many of our patients do choose to pay out of pocket for our services, while others seek reimbursement.

Patients pay in full at the time of service and if they would like to seek reimbursement, we will provide a detailed invoice of the services provided. We have a wonderful service that is complimentary to our patients, to make submission easy.

Insurance coverage is not guaranteed and differs plan to plan. Our patients choose us because they want the best pelvic floor therapist. If our services are covered, we consider that an added bonus!

You can check your out of network therapy benefits here.


  • Initial assessments are 90 minutes and are $285. Follow up sessions are 60 minutes and are $195.

  • Since we are one-on-one for an hour, we typically see our patients weekly while they have symptoms. As symptoms begin to decrease, the frequency of appointments typically decrease.

  • Patients choose us because we deliver the highest quality care and are the best pelvic floor therapy in the area. If insurance coverage is a top priority, we recommend calling your insurance to understand your benefits.

    Please ask the following questions to understand your benefits:

    * What is my in-network copay?

    * What is my in-network deductible? How much has been met?

    * How many pelvic floor physical visits are covered under my in-network plan?

    * Do I have out of network physical therapy coverage? If so, what is the coverage?

    * What is my out-of-network deductible? How much has been met?

    * Does my in-network and out of network deductible cross accumulate (meaning that out of network services apply towards your in-network deductible)?

    * What is my max out of pocket? Do out of network services apply towards my max out of pocket?

    * How do I submit through my out of network PT benefits?

    If your plan does not allow out of network coverage, you may be eligible for a waiver to be reimbursed at your in network rate. This is especially important if you are contracted to a PT facility far from your home, or the waitlist for an in network facility is too long. Please contact our office for more information

  • Yes! We offer packages (a discounted group of visits) as well as payment plans through Care Credit. Approval for payment plans is based on approval though Care Credit

  • A lot! We only focus on women’s health physical therapy. We are the only clinic in the area that focuses solely on women’s pelvic floor rehab. Our quality is unmatched. Because other providers want to get you in and out quickly, they will just give you a list of pelvic floor specific exercises to help you with short term relief of symptoms. If you stop doing these exercises however, your symptoms will typically come right back.

    Even though you may have symptoms in one area, the dysfunction may be elsewhere. Since we focus on investigating WHY your symptoms are there in the first place, our exercises are meaningful, and our treatments are targeted at the root cause of your symptoms. This is the key to lasting relief and ensuring you don’t have to do your therapy exercises forever in order to keep symptoms at bay.

  • * If I haven't met my deductible, what will the out of pocket cost be?

    * Will I be responsible for any other fees for your service in addition to my copay? (A lot of hospital based programs do have a facility fee that is paid each session in addition to your copay)

    * What is your waitlist like?

    * Will I have a difficult time scheduling follow up sessions?

    * How often will I be coming?

    * Will I be my therapist's only patient for a full hour?

    * Does my therapist exclusively treat pelvic health concerns or do they also see other diagnoses as well?

    * Where did the therapist receive their training and what courses have they taken in pelvic health?

    * How many pelvic floor therapists do you have working there? (You don't want your therapist to be the only pelvic health provider because you want the ability of the therapist to have mentorship/collaboration on your case if needed)

    * What does a typical session look like? (You want to make sure that they are competent in internal AND external pelvic treatment and that they do more than biofeedback with kegels)