Prenatal Physical Therapy

Physical therapy to help you manage common pregnancy related symptoms and prepare for birth.

Even though common, pain and leakage are never normal during pregnancy.

We help our patients overcome common pregnancy concerns such as severe back pain during pregnancy, tailbone pain during pregnancy, and urinary leakage.

Our team of pelvic floor therapists also help prepare our patients for labor and delivery through pelvic floor relaxation exercises and exercises to help widen the pelvis for birth.

They listened to my concerns, tried various exercises and positioning to alleviate pain and prepare me for labor and worked with me on key breathing techniques as well as perineal massage leading up to our delivery. Vivid gave me the confidence I needed to achieve my birth plan!
  • Say goodbye to leakage

    Even though common in pregnancy, there is absolutely a solution to urinary leakage during pregnancy

  • Manage aches and pains

    Lower back pain, SI joint pain, pubic symphysis dysfunction and hip pain are all common but manageable with pelvic floor treatment

  • Prepare for birth

    Educational, hands on sessions targeted at pelvic floor muscle relaxation and labor positions, to have you feeling prepared for birth


  • Regardless of being pregnant, pain and leakage are not normal. In order to accommodate the growing baby, our abdominal wall stretches, our lower back tightens and as our diaphragm moves up. These changes can contribute to pain and pelvic floor dysfunction and are treatable during pregnancy!

    Research shows that if pain and leakage doesn’t get addressed during pregnancy, many patients will continue to experience these symptoms postpartum.

  • During birth prep sessions, our pelvic floor therapists will spend time discussing your preferred birth outcomes, discuss breath cues, push mechanics and labor positions that work for you. Your therapist will discuss the best ways to relax your pelvic floor which is necessary in order for you to give birth vaginally.

  • Birth prep, specifically learning how to relax the pelvic floor with breath and proper pushing has been shown in the research to decrease degree of tearing and result in improved healing postpartum.

  • Absolutely! Your therapist will cater the birth prep session around your planned C-section and will discuss techniques like bed mobility, scar massage and body mechanics.

  • We like to establish a plan in your second trimester and follow up with you on a monthly basis throughout your second trimester. Once you hit your third trimester, it may be beneficial to see you on an every other week basis to progress pelvic floor relaxation and hip mobility.

  • Everyone would benefit from pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy! Hormonal and postural changes that occur make you more predisposed to pelvic floor dysfunction and pain during pregnancy. It is best to get ahead of these symptoms to prevent any long term concerns.

Ready to schedule an appointment with one of our pelvic floor therapists?

Prenatal Physical Therapy

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